Calculate death date using astrology
Calculate death date using astrology

calculate death date using astrology

You can determine your nodes of fate by looking at your astrological chart and circling your True Node or North Node. This node governs their drive, motivation, ambition and current life path. The North Node, on the other hand, represents the present life of an individual. But this works out in a broader sense as it imparts crucial life lessons to an individual. It taps into the lower vibrations of your energy field and sometimes creates unpredictable situations causing unrest. The South Node dictates your past life and highlights the learnings and blessings your soul receives from it to be carried forward as a part of your karma in the present life. North and South Node calculator Image: Courtesy of Gabriela Hughes/Pexels Since this is a lunar retrograde, the nodes move backwards. Before this, the North Node remained in Taurus and the South Node, in Scorpio. This phenomenon occurs once in 18 months. In 2023, 17 July is an important date not only because a new moon enters the house of Cancer but also because the sun’s path crosses the moon’s orbit to cause a lunar retrograde.

calculate death date using astrology

This gives an insight into a person’s past and predicts the future. Also known as the North and South Nodes, they represent the karmic path an individual is likely to take. Unlike planetary bodies and stars, these can’t be traced physically in the sky as these are coordinates or energy vortices. Represented by a horseshoe symbol, lunar nodes are celestial points that have much significance in astrology. What are lunar nodes? Image: Courtesy of Sevenstorm Juhaszimrus/Pexels As such, the shifting of the lunar nodes dictates the cosmic vibes for the next year and a half. Be it in astrology or psychology, the effect of the phases of the moon on our emotions is a widely studied subject.

Calculate death date using astrology