Hunter primal not saving weapons
Hunter primal not saving weapons

hunter primal not saving weapons

How many minimum playthroughs are needed for the platinum? It depends on multiple factors. Getting S-Rank on the 3 Mercenaries Mode Maps -or- a playthrough on Professional difficulty on New Game without using any special weapons -> Unlocks “Handcannon” weapon for Gun Fanatic.a playthrough on Professional Difficulty with final rating of at least A -> Unlocks “Chicago Sweeper” weapon for Gun Fanatic.

hunter primal not saving weapons

  • a playthrough wihout talking to the merchant even once -> Silent Stranger.
  • a playthrough without using any healing items -> Frugalist.
  • a playthrough while using only knives and handguns -> Minimalist.
  • a playthrough on Hardcore Difficulty with final rating of S+ -> S+ Rank Investigator.
  • a playthrough on Standard Difficulty with the final rating of S+ -> Mission Accomplished S+ (*does not stack with Hardcore S+).
  • a 100% playthrough for completing all Treasures & Castellans & Merchant Requests -> for all collectible trophies & chapter-specific trophies.
  • Release Date: Ma(Mercenaries Mode released on April 07, 2023).
  • Supports Manual Saves?: Yes, 20 Manual Save Slots, 1 Autosave Slot.
  • hunter primal not saving weapons

  • Free-Roam / Chapter Select after Story?: No Chapter Select, No Free-Roam. New Game+ is available and everything except Treasure Progress carries over.
  • PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, there is Save Transfer and Trophies Autopop but only from PS4 to PS5, not PS5 to PS4.
  • See General FAQ section below for more info on this.
  • Minimum Playthroughs: Technically 4, but this would require having platinumed the game before and already knowing it perfectly.
  • Beating the game on Professional also unlocks the trophies for beating game on Standard and Hardcore. However, beating Hardcore S+ does not unlock Standard S+. Beating game on Professional with S+ unlocks the trophies for beating Hardcore S+ & Standard S+.
  • Do difficulty trophies stack?: Yes and No.
  • hunter primal not saving weapons

  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat game on Hardcore in a New Game with S+ Rank (can’t earn S+ in New Game Plus). Must also beat Professional with A-rank for the “Chicago Sweeper” weapon.
  • Number of missable trophies: All non-automatic story trophies are missable, there is no chapter select.
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30-40 Hours.

  • Hunter primal not saving weapons